Thursday, November 3, 2016

November Blogger Of The Month

Can you believe it's already November? I am in disbelief! I can't wait for Thanksgiving, pumpkin-everything, cinnamon, and sweater-weather! It's so great! Fall is not my favorite season, but I want to embrace it nonetheless. Along with the new month comes fresh traditions, fun things to look forward to, and- oh! Blogger of the month! Today I'd like to recognize yet another blogger for their wonderfulness. (Yup, that's a word.) And who is worthy of this great honor... Well, it is...

Madi! From the Delightful World Of Dolls! Visit her stupendous blog by clicking here! I believe Madi deserves this small award for a multitude of reasons. One is that she is approaching her FOUR YEAR BLOGIVERSERY! 4 years is quite a long while to be blogging. I think she deserves some credit for that! Also, Madi obviously puts a whole lot of effort into her posts. With high-quality photos, skillfully edited covers, and an up-to-date sidebar, Madi clearly works hard on her blog. Madi is a skilled, flawless blogger, and I'd like to acknowledge her. Congratulations, you are the Sunshine Dollies hand-picked blogger of the month! :D
Thanks for reading, Ba-bye!
P.S: I edited the "About Me" page, and now it's not 2-years behind! Go check it out!


  1. Congrats, Madi! I totally agree- she deserves it: best doll blogger EVER! Yay for Madi!
    ~ Light4theLord

    1. Aw, thank you SO much, L4TL! You just made me smile so wide! <3


  2. First of all, I just want to say thank you SO much, Tenley! You literally made my day when I read this! I couldn't stop smiling for half an hour! I don't think I could ever be sad now, I could just pull up this post and read it, haha! ;)

    That's so very kind of you to acknowledge a blogger every month, and I'm so very honored to be picked for November - the day I read it I was actually feeling super frustrated with my blog and wondering if the new changes were ever going to be ready on time. When I read this, I couldn't even remember why I was so frustrated! You're so kind and awesome, Tenley! Again, thank you SO much! :D


    1. Lol, Yay! You really deserve it.
      I'm glad I cheered you up. You're more than welcome, Madison!


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